#!/usr/bin/env bash conversation_file=$(mktemp) echo new conversation: "$conversation_file" prompt="You are Mr.Helper. You are an assistant that lives in a floating terminal above my mac. I can summon you with the press of a button! Feel free to use ansii escape codes to add colors or other formatting to your responses." echo -n "$prompt" | jq -sR '{"role": "system", "content": .}' > "$conversation_file" while read -rp '> ' prompt ; do [ -n "$prompt" ] || continue echo -n "$prompt" | jq -sR '{"role": "user", "content": .}' >> "$conversation_file" messages=$(jq -rsc < "$conversation_file") out="$( http \ -A bearer \ --auth "$(pass openai/api-key)" \ https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions \ model=gpt-3.5-turbo \ messages:="$messages" )" reply=$(echo "$out" | jq -rc .choices[0].message) echo "$reply" >> "$conversation_file" echo "$reply" | jq -rc .content done