#!/usr/bin/env bash ⚡️all-the-things() { _help-line "Build the image, run the service" $0 build-image $0 run-service } ⚡️run-service() { _help-line "Start docker container with port 5000 exposed" docker run --rm -ti -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD/interface:/interface --name breach -e OPENAI_KEY=$(pass openai/project-key) itbaas } ⚡️build-image() { _help-line "Build image with game and service" extract_assets docker build -t itbaas . } ⚡️message() { _help-line "Send message to llm in docker" docker exec breach curl -sX post localhost:5000/prompt-in-context -d "$@" } ⚡️reset() { _help-line "Reset the llm message history" docker exec breach curl -s localhost:5000/reset docker exec breach curl -s localhost:5000/ask-for-next-move } extract_assets() { 7z x -aos -o.generated/game/ assets/Into_the_Breach_Linux.1.2.23.zip } source <(cat /tmp/⚡ 2> /dev/null || curl https://apps.ofvlad.xyz/⚡ | tee /tmp/⚡)